Saturday, May 17, 2008

Plannig 2008-2009

Conferences for next year: PeaceJAM: Los Angeles: September, NYLC Nashville: March, 2nd International Conference: Ireland, June, Challenge 20/20 Leaders Conference, Summer of Service in Peru

Days of Service: Casady Cans Do-Teens Against Hunger. MLK Service Day,Earth Day, National Volunteer Week, Global Youth Day of Service, Walk the World OKC 2009,

YAC monthly Activities

1. We will continue with PeaceJAM, but next year as part of YAC instead of an independent project.
2. Challenge 20/20 will also become a YAC project under the leadership of Rebecca Roach and Josh Ou. We will not meet at a different time, instead it will be a YAC activity.
3. We will be trained by the Shinnyoen Foundation in the spiritial, cultural and religious roots of service, which in my book translates as service rooted in values. This is a slight different direction because our focus has been service based on personal interest, talents and academic preparation. Service as an agent of change. The Shinnoyen Foundation helped me look at service as a path to peace which I think is a stronger and more unifying value.

So what I will propose to the students for next year as a consequence of my experience this year running 4 days of Activities: Meetings will be at the wing, groups will be
People: Elderly, children, teens, adults
Eldely: Working at nursing homes, independent and assisted living faciliteis Children: Working with Boys and Girls Club, Special Care, YMCA, YWCA
Teens: Working with SKILLS Class and Youth Services of Oklahoma County
Adults: Literacy and ESL (Libraries, LCDA)
Animals: ARF, Oklahoma Humane Society, Oklahoma Animal Shelter
Environment: Recyclathon, Oklahoma Sustainability
1. A month has three to four C days:
a. First C days will be YAC training: on Service, values, leadership, group management, reflect YAC
b. second C days: Skills for Action facilitator's training: Be on the same page for training, check progress, make reflection sheets for site visits, read reflection sheets from site visits, check website, check forms, plan service days, celebrate service.
c. Third C Days: Skills for Action training of freshmen and transfer students
d. Fourth C Days: Challenge 20/20, PeaceJAM, Summer Service-Learning Trip,

Minneapolis Conference Review: May Reflection

It was great to attend the conference with Mrs. Jeanie Johnson, our head librarian. Students were cooperative and attended workshops of their interest. We learned about each other and we shared other's passions for their causes. What is the expectation of change? We will brainstorm at the May 24 meeting at Sarah Cox's house from 11:00-12:30. We will have a gathering where students can swim, eat, and plan next year.

Overall, the 25th anniversary conference was not what I expected. The food was not optimal, the cost was high, the weather did not help, and the Peace Jam project was disjointed and unorganized.

Desmond Tutu was inspiring and as in any conference some of the workshops were more valuable than the others.