It was a long trip back home because we had delays due to mechanical issues and weather related problems.
Now is time to apply all what was learned.
Friday, July 13, 2007
July 9th: Museums
July 8: Connections with Brussels and Spanish Educators
Morning with Spanish Educator: Roser Batlle Suner. Roser has contacts in Peru and Argentina. She will e-mail those contacts to make sure our global education programs get to a good start in Peru. As we reflected on the conference, we went to the Tin Tin museum. There I was introduced to a character similar to Flat Stanley who travels around the world, despite the fact that its creator never left Brussels. I bought the Peruvian book to market the global education trip to Peru.
Afternoon and Evening with Brussels Educator" Yoland Iliano. Adrienne and I realized that Yolanda is an amazing service-learning educator even though she has not been calling her "experiential education" service-learning. Yolanda spent great number of minutes with Ankita because she was interested in her hunger project. Yolanda hopes to come to OKC in November with a group of students and teachers. Her goal is to observe and learn. I think we have a lot of learn from her and her students. She is very involved in projects that promote peace and respect for our differences.
July 7th: Conference ends
7:30-8:30 Breakfast: Another great time to network with teachers from Brussels, Spain, Japan, and South Africa.
8:30-10:00 The Next Thing to Being There: Service-Learning and Global Connections This presentation by Teddi Fishman of Clemson University was very helpful. She made us think about the implications of starting Global connections via Internet. She will send her PP and sources of funding for technology for needy areas of the world.
10-10:45 Home Group discussion-Reflection: Too many things were going on at the same time, but Mrs. Kaye brought us into our group and provided books for all the International participants. I will get the book in the mail soon.
12:30-14:00 Key Note Speaker: Education, Globalization and Democracy. A well documented inspiration speech by Dr. Edward Zlotkowski of Bentley College in Boston and Senior Faculty Fellow, Campus Compact
8:30-10:00 The Next Thing to Being There: Service-Learning and Global Connections This presentation by Teddi Fishman of Clemson University was very helpful. She made us think about the implications of starting Global connections via Internet. She will send her PP and sources of funding for technology for needy areas of the world.
10-10:45 Home Group discussion-Reflection: Too many things were going on at the same time, but Mrs. Kaye brought us into our group and provided books for all the International participants. I will get the book in the mail soon.
12:30-14:00 Key Note Speaker: Education, Globalization and Democracy. A well documented inspiration speech by Dr. Edward Zlotkowski of Bentley College in Boston and Senior Faculty Fellow, Campus Compact
July 6th: Connections
7:30-8:30 a.m. Breakfast: The conference breakfast provided a networking opportunity. I met Dr. Libby Ethridge, Assistant Professor Early Childhood Education. It was nice to see the University of Oklahoma represented among the college presents. Libby works at an OU branch in Tulsa.
9:00-10:30 a.m. Local Actions, Global Connections: Developing a Service-Learning World View. This workshop by Cathryn Berger Kaye was excellent. She had as an ice breaker several drawings of a 'global student." As participants entered, they left their idea in words and drawings of their definition of a global citizen. It was amazing to have our own ideas validated by people from many different continents. One of the ideas that is still on my mind is that in best practices of service learning, at the global or local level, one should not know who is providing the service and who is receiving it. The issue of reciprocity was great here. Mrs. Kaye recommended two books, A Life like Mine, which we already have in our library and a a Faith Like Mine, which is a new book. The presentation ended with a call to join a project called "My Village" in which students learn and share their communities with other students. I hope to receive more information from Mrs. Kaye to inspire our students to join this project. Another project she talked about was a portrait project. Someone took pictures of children. Those pictures were then sent to art classes in the USA. Teens made portraits of the photographs and send them to the children who otherwise could not have had a portrait made. In return, the US kids learned about a different land and provided a sustainable memory of their interaction with needy children from far away places.
For the inmediate future I want to buy her new book on homelessness and hunger to add to our library of resources.
10:45-12:15 Global Perspectives on Service-Learning Research and Practice: Implications for Teacher Education by Andy Furco. I learned that there are 6 purposes/intentions for Service-Learning around the globe.
1. Academic: USA and 8 other countries: Content centered knowledge with knowledge applications-academic standards based.
2. Personal (Intrapersonal): Development of skills
3. Social (Intrapersonal): Peer and Intergenerational teamwork Argentina, Brasil, England, South Africa
4. Civic and Citizenship: Ethic of service, involvement on political affairs and knowledge of community issues All countries
5. Moral, Character and Values: Ethics, character traits Australia, England, USA
As a conclusion of this presentation, I have a growing need to do an statistical analysis of the reflective components of our program.
6. Vocational, carrer, professional: carreer awareness, development of technical skills- Chile and Mexico
12:30 Lunch: Keynote Speaker: Jeffrey Anderson
It was sad to see how lunch could interfere with a speech and how technology just does not cooperate sometimes. Lunch was another opportunity to network. Bart Dankaeris introduced himself as someone who had attended a Cyclone presentation and had kept in touch with one of the presentaters, Carrie'04.
13:30-15:00 Cross Cultural panel
My goal was to see how global programs were structured and what type of funding and liability issues were address. It was sad how hurried the presenters were. One had to go to all three
Effects of S-L participation on Pre-Service Bilingual/ESL Teacher efficacy. Aileen Hale from Boise State University gave us a quick overview. The research demonstrated that teachers engaged in s-l go more for social justice through understanding of cultural differences.
Maine to Honduras: Global Spanish
It was a project that seem like a mission trip with a language component. This project made me realized the importance of "intentional reciprocity."
Service-Learning Overseas and on an American Indian Reservation, University of Indiana Bloomington
This university gave great informational material on where to start a global and local education service projects. I have a lot of reading to do and questions to ask before August 15.
15:45-17;15 If CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) is the Internatinal Vaccalaurate Organization's model of service-learning, How is it presented and applied This presentation by the International School of Luxembourg gave clarity to my understanding of the CAS program. Since I hope to work with IBS schools in Peru, this presentation was priceless. It was interesting that CAS provide similar credit than we do, with the difference that if a student is in the Arts, a student cannot use the arts for service projects.
17:15-18:45 Transforming Service, It Takes a Global Village. Ankita presented to a small number of participants. The great result is that we have a 9th grade teacher interested in reading High Noon with his students at the International School in Brussels and we have an elementary school teacher from Brussels interested in coming to the USA to investigate service-learning in our private and public schools. Adrienne made some great connections with Clemson University professors who are interested in our hunger banquets.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
July 5th: Conference Begins
Chocolate Reception and World Cafe: Brussels amazing chocolate was everywhere. The room was divided in groups in round tables. A person could choose anytable and discuss the questions the facilitators were providing.
The participants were so interested in learning about each other's programs that the process was not followed at all tables. It was a good way to start. I noted that this could be a great way to allow people to discuss and learn about different aspects of service learning. We could have parents, teachers, and students learning about service-learning in a fun and delicious way. Chocolate, coffe, and tea!!!!
I was placed on the global education group facilitated by Cathryn Berger Kaye. We had people from Spain, Japan, and South Africa in the group. Chiaki, from Japan asked what was the difference between patriotism and global citizenship. I was interested in global education programs, funding and liabiliy issues, others were interested in sustainability of projects. This home group gave us the opportunity to be a family within the conference. We met to share, reflect, and evaluate. I think YAC could have a home group project based.
The Openning Plenary had Rischard as a main speaker. He gave an explanation of his book High Noon and called for teachers to begin discussions of global issues similar to the ones started at the International schools and the NAIS Challenge 20/20. Rischard commended our efforts and asked to be invited to our project with Peru. He wants to follow our progress.
The participants were so interested in learning about each other's programs that the process was not followed at all tables. It was a good way to start. I noted that this could be a great way to allow people to discuss and learn about different aspects of service learning. We could have parents, teachers, and students learning about service-learning in a fun and delicious way. Chocolate, coffe, and tea!!!!
I was placed on the global education group facilitated by Cathryn Berger Kaye. We had people from Spain, Japan, and South Africa in the group. Chiaki, from Japan asked what was the difference between patriotism and global citizenship. I was interested in global education programs, funding and liabiliy issues, others were interested in sustainability of projects. This home group gave us the opportunity to be a family within the conference. We met to share, reflect, and evaluate. I think YAC could have a home group project based.
The Openning Plenary had Rischard as a main speaker. He gave an explanation of his book High Noon and called for teachers to begin discussions of global issues similar to the ones started at the International schools and the NAIS Challenge 20/20. Rischard commended our efforts and asked to be invited to our project with Peru. He wants to follow our progress.
June 4: Arrival-Meeting presentation partner
I left at noon on June 3rd and arrived to Brussels early in the morning. Upon arrival to the Meridien hotel, I met Adrienne Marshall, Assistant Director of the Community Service Office at Phillips Andover Academy. We had dinner together and discussed our presentation as well as showed each elements of the presentation which we prepared on our own.
In the evening, Adrienne explained her service projects and gave some advise on how to enhance YAC participation.
First International Conference in Brussels Overall reflection
This conference was organized by Clemson University. The conference lacked participants and the logistical aspect could have used more attention to detail.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Overall Conference Reflection
What did I observe? Youth and adults collaborating to make the conference happen.
What did I learn?
1. The 6 million paths to peace workshop validated all service as a positive journey to peace. Community service and service-learning work hand in hand. We do not need to feel like a 'step-child of service-learning" anymore.
2. Mary Rogers triangle and circles are visuals we need to use in presentation to our community. They are easy to understand and we can adapt them to our reality. Christine's work showed the importance of a researcher's work for quantifing and qualifing results.
3. I want to become a Shinno-yen Foundation fellow. I will try to go to San Francisco in July.
4. There are wilderness programs that combine s-l and American Indian cultural exploration in Oklahoma. We might use them to train 8th graders. (Rite of Passage)
5. We need to consider exploring Earth Force resources
What is next?
a. Greater focus on Challenge 20/20
b. Training: Shinnoy-en Foundation reflective tools
c. Revision of Brussels Presentation: Triangle, Circles
d. Training of YAC using State Farms YAB website
e. Exploration of a new course on understanding NGO and philantrophy= 15 hours of service-learning
Saturday, March 31, Third and final Day
8:00-9:30: Community Builders Learning about the Nonprofit World. Judy Jenkins( 1-505-828-3262), Albuquerque Academy It was the experience of a 4 week summer course that introduces students to the world of NGO (Non profits or Non Govermental Organizations) and the essense of philanthropy. It is free for all accepted students (20). It teaches students about the building blocks of the community. It is designed to provide an inside look at how the many non-profit organizations in the community function. It gives students the opportunity to meet and learn from community leaders committed to making a difference in the lives of others
1. What is a 501(c)(3)non-profit?
2. How do you start a non-profit?
3. Where does the non-profit money come from?
4. Who oversees the operations of a non-profit?
5. What is the role of a non-profit board?
6. What are foundations and how do they work?
7. What role do non-profit art and education enterprises play in the economic development of a community?
Concrete examples:
1. Who feeds and cares for the homeless?
2. How are shelters funded?
3. How do young artists find studio space and support?
4. Who takes care of the elderly who have no one else?
5. How do we bring great artists and speakers to Albuquerque?
6. Who protects animal rights?
7. How do we fight intolerance and hate?
8. Who speaks for the trees?
9. How do communities provide education and counseling about substance abuse, teen pregnancy, and child abuse?
How do the students learn?
A Philanthropic simulation: They are given $100,000 to give away. They have meetings at different times of about 2 hours, mostly in the afternoon or evening. I was provided with a copy of their schedule. The students give away funds "for real" now.
Results: The reflection of the students were amazing. There has been an increase in alumni giving as well as participation in non-profit giving. No statistical analysis has been conducted yet.
Possibilites for our school: Partnerships with Mr. Mauldin, Ms. Waren, the Center for non-profits, and Oklahoma City Community Foundation to provide the funding for the course and the connections to the resources. Other sources of funding mentioned: Toyota Foundation, the Corporation of National Service (governmental organization), Kellogs Foundation. Resource mentioned: www.board
9:45-11:15: Youths for Environmental Change: Pat Lupo (, Lake Erie-Allegheny Earth Force; Examples of effective environmental service-learning. Earth Force: Earth Force engages young people as active citizens who improve the environment and their communities now and in the future. They do so by training and supporting educators in programs that enable young people to lead community action projects focused on creating sustainable solutions to local environment issues in the community.
Global Warming: Be part of the answer, not of the problem. We have the power to heal and hurt. Earth Force develops a sense of love and respect for the community the earth and one another. Listening with the ear for the heart to develop service-learning initiatives to help our earth. Lead with your heart!
1. Community environmental inventory
2. Issue selection
3. Policy and practice research
4. Options for influencing policy and practice
5. Taking Action
6. Looking back and ahead
Some ideas for our reality
Match 1st grade with 9th grade, etc. Create a "stewards of the earth patrol." Keep your building clean, conserve energy, do not waste paper. Create an environmental club in all the schools and have them interact together. Build energy efficient light bulbs and give them away with statistical information about energy saving to parents and surrounding community.
Do an statistical analysis of the litter collected on Adopt the Street clean-ups and create a plan of action to solve the problem. Sister Lupo's students in collaboration with the city government created signs similar to the adopt street signs to raise awareness about smoking and litering.
Resource: EELINK; North America Association for Environmental Education, e-mail:
11:30-1:30: Closing Reflection and CelebrationAdam Davis McGee: Roas manager for hip hop sensation Gritts was the motivator. Steve Culbertson, CEO of Youth Service America gave a motivation speech and said that the 2008 conference will be in Minneapolis-25 anniversary-April 9-12.
1. What is a 501(c)(3)non-profit?
2. How do you start a non-profit?
3. Where does the non-profit money come from?
4. Who oversees the operations of a non-profit?
5. What is the role of a non-profit board?
6. What are foundations and how do they work?
7. What role do non-profit art and education enterprises play in the economic development of a community?
Concrete examples:
1. Who feeds and cares for the homeless?
2. How are shelters funded?
3. How do young artists find studio space and support?
4. Who takes care of the elderly who have no one else?
5. How do we bring great artists and speakers to Albuquerque?
6. Who protects animal rights?
7. How do we fight intolerance and hate?
8. Who speaks for the trees?
9. How do communities provide education and counseling about substance abuse, teen pregnancy, and child abuse?
How do the students learn?
A Philanthropic simulation: They are given $100,000 to give away. They have meetings at different times of about 2 hours, mostly in the afternoon or evening. I was provided with a copy of their schedule. The students give away funds "for real" now.
Results: The reflection of the students were amazing. There has been an increase in alumni giving as well as participation in non-profit giving. No statistical analysis has been conducted yet.
Possibilites for our school: Partnerships with Mr. Mauldin, Ms. Waren, the Center for non-profits, and Oklahoma City Community Foundation to provide the funding for the course and the connections to the resources. Other sources of funding mentioned: Toyota Foundation, the Corporation of National Service (governmental organization), Kellogs Foundation. Resource mentioned: www.board
9:45-11:15: Youths for Environmental Change: Pat Lupo (, Lake Erie-Allegheny Earth Force; Examples of effective environmental service-learning. Earth Force: Earth Force engages young people as active citizens who improve the environment and their communities now and in the future. They do so by training and supporting educators in programs that enable young people to lead community action projects focused on creating sustainable solutions to local environment issues in the community.
Global Warming: Be part of the answer, not of the problem. We have the power to heal and hurt. Earth Force develops a sense of love and respect for the community the earth and one another. Listening with the ear for the heart to develop service-learning initiatives to help our earth. Lead with your heart!
1. Community environmental inventory
2. Issue selection
3. Policy and practice research
4. Options for influencing policy and practice
5. Taking Action
6. Looking back and ahead
Some ideas for our reality
Match 1st grade with 9th grade, etc. Create a "stewards of the earth patrol." Keep your building clean, conserve energy, do not waste paper. Create an environmental club in all the schools and have them interact together. Build energy efficient light bulbs and give them away with statistical information about energy saving to parents and surrounding community.
Do an statistical analysis of the litter collected on Adopt the Street clean-ups and create a plan of action to solve the problem. Sister Lupo's students in collaboration with the city government created signs similar to the adopt street signs to raise awareness about smoking and litering.
Resource: EELINK; North America Association for Environmental Education, e-mail:
11:30-1:30: Closing Reflection and CelebrationAdam Davis McGee: Roas manager for hip hop sensation Gritts was the motivator. Steve Culbertson, CEO of Youth Service America gave a motivation speech and said that the 2008 conference will be in Minneapolis-25 anniversary-April 9-12.
March 30: Second Day
8:00-9:30a.m. On a Grand Scale: The State Farm Youth Advisory Board The youth leaders gave an amazing presentation about the board, grants, and applications for youth associate boards. I take the process as an important example. Groups of 6 students rotated from group to group using about 5 minutes to explain and answer questions. They have an inspirational opening, a fun ice-breaker, an interactive 7-inning strecher, and an inspirational closing.
9:45-11:15 Plenary: Due to weather, Jackie Joyner-Kersee did not attend the conference. Kerry Strug, a former student of mine and 1996 Olympic games gold medallist in gymanstics introduces Robert Flores, Administrator of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. David Eisner, CEO of the Corporation of National Service followed. Youth Julia Sewell open for Verna Cornelia Price, with the peom, "I am a phenomenal woman" Mrs. Price gave an interactive and action charged speech. I bought her book, “The Power of People: Four Kinds of People Who Can Change Your Life.” She motivated the participants to action!
1:45-3:15: Six Billion Paths to Peace: What is yours? Harumitsu Inouye, Shinnyo-en Foundtion: Reflection for daily life. Service-Learning practices are paths to building a more harmonious world. Focusing our interconnectedness and reflecting on individual contributions, we can build peace in our local and global communities. This workshop was the most powerful reflective exercise I have done so far. I hope to be able to go to their training in California.
Exploring the Spiritual, Religious and Cultural Roots of Service
Marconi Conference Center Marshall, CA July 28-July 30, 2006-90 minutes from San Francisco: Eighth annual summer retreat which will bring together an intergenerational group of approximately sixty-five people to reflect and share ideas about the role of spirituality, religion and culture in lives dedicated to the service of others. (Marshall, CA is approximately 90 minutes north of San Francisco).
This retreat seeks to help nurture and rejuvenate people involved in youth service by providing a stimulating and trusting environment to explore personal value, expand collegial connections and deepen knowledge and self-understanding.
Youth Service California and the Shinnyo-en Foundation are working now to complete a rewarding retreat program, which will include four basic components. Everyone will:
• Select and take part in a small study group of seven or eight that will focus on a single topic and meet three or four times during the retreat. Topics will range from introductory and advanced meditation, spirituality through creative expression, the quest for social justice, and the joy of writing. The study group offers an opportunity to both explore an issue in depth and build personal relationships.
• Take part in optional activities that appeal to multiple intelligences, including a nature walk to the ocean, meditative kayaking on Tomales Bay, talking with the leaders of the Shinnyo-En Foundation and creating original crafts.
• Enjoy unscheduled time for personal savoring of the beautiful environment and the creation of spontaneous on site activities.
• Participate in large group activities that offer diverse perspectives and encourage community identity.
Retreat Details
Eligibility: Anyone involved in youth development work who is interested in the retreat focus is invited to attend. We seek diversity in culture, religion, age and social backgrounds. Youth in high school or college are especially welcome. Organizations may bring groups to the retreat to nurture deeper relationships and increase unity but the number is limited to five members unless extra space becomes available.
Registration and Costs: There is a $75 registration fee, which covers program, room and board for adults. Youth from 16 to 24 have a $25 registration fee that will cover their expenses except for travel.
Retreat Acceptance: The general policy will be to accept registrations on a first come, first served basis. A few spots will be reserved, however, to allow some consideration for ensuring participant diversity. Preference will be given to applications received by May1, 2006.
Accommodations and Amenities: The Marconi Conference Center offers simple but high quality rustic resort-like motel rooms and very tasty food in a sensational, natural setting that overlooks Tomales Bay. Participants will share a double or spacious triple room.
If you have additional questions, please contact:
Don Hill, Youth Service California,, (650) 356-0288
— or —
Liane Louie-Badua, Shinnyo-en Foundation, (415) 777-1977
Hospice Mask Project: California College of the Arts
3:30-5:00: The Power of Arts Based Service-Learning: Virginia Commonwealth University: Joe Seipel and Jan Johnston; Californa College of Arts: Sonia Manjon and Anne Mettrick; All presenters gave us their reality. What did I learn?
1.We are in the right path with our arts empowerered global service-learning ideas.
2. When we finally travel to our partner schools, we need to bring experts to help us view more possibilities.
3. We need to develop a partnership with OKC University arts and business departments.
7:30-11:00 p.m. Project Ignition Awards: Two Oklahoma Schools: Ada and Louville were selected among the 10 finalist. Both won awards, but a school in Texas was best of the best.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
March 29: First Day of a memorable s-l conference
What did I observed?
People with dissabilities handling the registration table, elderly running the information booths, youth and adults running the conference, corporate people backing the effort financially.
What did I do? How did I feel?
At Breakfast Time: I talked to the students from Liberia whose project personafies "Be the change you what to see." They told me that they would contact my YAC. I gave the YAC address: I hope my students will become interested in listening to their story. I requested their PP. We will see.
I also met the author of Service without Guns. It is a book I must order. Lulu Press.
The plenary was arts empowered advocacy for respect for diversity service-learning project. It started with the National Anthem sang by a Hispanic. Then came the prayer by an Oklahoma native American who moved our hearts and challenged our minds with the power of the spirit. A state of Service-Learning, State Farm funding and a request to stop our government from destroying Learn and Serve followed. The highlights were: inclusion of youth at the forefront, inclusion of international youth council, inclusion of Latin America as a strong force in service-learning. Reach your congressman with 1,000 e-mails to stop destruction of Learn and Serve. The whole conference is now on Second Chance (virtual reality.) State Farm created a youth board and empowered them with 5 million dollars. They are looking for associate youth board members. I hope some of my YAC members will apply.
An AfroAmerican girl (I think from Oklahoma)did a poem that sounded like a melody to my soul. When I was about to say, this cannot get any better, a dance was performed by youth, elderly, mentally and physically handicapped people. I was so powerful, tears of happiness and hope "derramaron de mis ojos."
Then, Jane Goodall greeted us with the sound of the chimpanzees. You had to be there to capture the power of her presentation. It cannot be described with words. We are very lucky because she will be in Oklahoma City, and I have a card with her secretary phone number to try to get tickets when I go back because she thought it might be sold out already. I hope our environmental club will consider participating in her Roots and Shoots education program. I bought two of her mascots, a book, and a magnet with values.
Advice from Ms. Goodall: If you really want something and you never give up, you will find the way. We have not been wise stewards of this planet. What will it take to melt the ice in the human heart. She quoted a person from Alaska saying: Up in the north we know what is happening in the south, up in the north we now the ice is melting. We are compromising the future of our unborn generations. We must stop the disconet between the brain and the human spirit. We must have the wisdom to know how will this affect us not in 3 months ahead, but in 7 generations ahead. Act locally and then dear to think globally. Global service-learning is planting the seed of global peace. HOPE: There is real talk of going green, resillience of nature and the indomitable human spirit: Stop the look of no hope. The story of Mr. H and....
First session: We will give you the stones: You make the ripple: Mary Rogers Presentation validated "all service-learning" practitioners efforts. Her pyramid, inclusive circules, and exercise on expanding "our current service learning" projects were great. Her researcher quantified and qualified results. Her students gave us examples of clubs and non-profit organizations as the infrastructure to empower service-learning projects. I will bring her and her team to do professional development for club sponsors next year. It was amazing. I will ask her to send me her powerpoint. As a result of a small reflective exercise they had, I have the following ideas for the environmental club. Use money to buy the light environmentally friendly light bulbs. Distribute them to teachers with statistics of energy conservation. Do the same via push page to the rest of the Casady Community while supplies lasts.
Partner lower division grades with upper division grades. Give the lower division kids disposable cameras and funding to create do not disturbe our earth signs, much like the do not disturb signs in hotels. The have the first graders be as Ms. Goodall said
I spent a long time waiting in line to have Ms. Goodall sign the book, but it was worth it. I must remember to go on line to get the picture I took with Ms. Goodall. As a second session I attended a few minutes of Leveraging the Internet for Meaningful Service-Learning and Successful Global Collaboration: Great resource for Ankita. For Funding: Build African, apple100laptops project.
My final workshop for the day was on blogging. Then came the Pueblo Experience at Night. I must go to sleep to do justice to the experience. I am too tired now.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
March 28, 2007: Albuquerque NYLC-Pre-conference
Global Service-Learning Forum:
There seems to be a favorable atmosphere for national youth service in America. Examples of Mexico's servicio social (help poverty-medical professionals service-role of youth people in National development. South Africa: unemployed youth engaged in National Service-Learning. Russia: NGO's promoting high school service. The common demominator: Social Capital-Building social cohesion
Silvia Golombeck: Youth Service America
Andrew Furco: University of California, Berkely-Center for Research of Civic Engagement and Service-Learning
Maria Nieves Tapia: Clayss-The Latin American Center for Service-Learning: Social assistance and social development are complementary. Latin America has a combination of policy and required service-learning. Research the UNESCO principles.
Harumitsu Inouye, Executive Director of the Shinnyoen Foundation
Sarah Morcos, IRMAS Summitt
Innovations in Civic Participation was a session to give practioners feedback to policy and programming.
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