Wednesday, March 28, 2007

March 28, 2007: Albuquerque NYLC-Pre-conference

Global Service-Learning Forum:
There seems to be a favorable atmosphere for national youth service in America. Examples of Mexico's servicio social (help poverty-medical professionals service-role of youth people in National development. South Africa: unemployed youth engaged in National Service-Learning. Russia: NGO's promoting high school service. The common demominator: Social Capital-Building social cohesion

Silvia Golombeck: Youth Service America
Andrew Furco: University of California, Berkely-Center for Research of Civic Engagement and Service-Learning
Maria Nieves Tapia: Clayss-The Latin American Center for Service-Learning: Social assistance and social development are complementary. Latin America has a combination of policy and required service-learning. Research the UNESCO principles.
Harumitsu Inouye, Executive Director of the Shinnyoen Foundation
Sarah Morcos, IRMAS Summitt

Innovations in Civic Participation was a session to give practioners feedback to policy and programming.

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