Some of the keynote speakers included:
Willard R. Daggett, founder and chairman of the International Center for Leadership
Adolph Brown, known as “The World's Greatest Edu-tainer,” and mathematics educator Cathy Seeley
Joseph S. Renzulli, a professor of educational psychology at the University of Connecticut and director of the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented
Larry Tihen, author of the Florida Reading Model, and aerospace consultant Ben Robinson
Author and two-time national Teacher of the Year Ron Clark
Bill White of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Karen Chenoweth of The Education Trust and businessman Jay Martin.
Ray McNulty, president of the International Center for Leadership in Education
Literacy specialists John Wolf, Anna Shults and Trevor Packer, noon Friday.
The Vision Conference was free for Oklahoma educators from public, charter, and private schools.
Monday, June 11: The conference was for parents. I went to see the exhibits, pick up my conference packet and check where I was going to present on Thursday. The exhibit did not open until Tuesday. Downtown was like a zoo because of the first finals Thunder game. Parking was impossible and costly. $7 per day. I remeber when it was $3.00 per day. I love to see Oklahomas united for Thunder, but has Thunder make provisions to pay and have extra police, etc. I will never understand the craziness for sports and the apathy to end world hunger and violence.
Tuesday, June 12: Parking was a bigger problem. $10 until 4:30 after which, $40 because of the Thunder game. "Common Core," the buz word.
I learned about Common Core in English, but will that apply to Common Core in Modern Languages? ; The state of common core in Oklahoma was explained as "The Common Core Standards have been adopted by 48 states and will be the new
Standards that all public schools must follow by the timeline their state
decides. For Oklahoma we have to have full implementation by 2013 with certain
subjects and grade levels starting next year. The Common Core Standards are much
different from the PASS that we currently have. They are made to be more
rigorous and supposedly higher level thinking. Unfortunately they haven't even
been written for many subject areas and art and foreign languages are some of
those unknown subjects. Oklahoma's teachers are running around in a panic
because they have to fully implement something that is not even fully developed
yet by next year. SO, that is why you heard the terms so frequently. All of the
"tests" are being rewritten, all of the teacher evaluations are being rewritten
and everything is changing."
The Art of Collage Workshop: Glen Henry and James Huelsman (artist). Sculpture-painting-and collage. The team explain their personal experiences and gave examples
of famous collage artists and the drive behind their compositions: Picasso, Schwitters and motivated us to look at artistic elements of collaging as we integrated images and words into our own creations. I was not please with what I created, but it was a nice experience. The reason why I took this worshop is to have some guidelines on how to approach collaging YAC's mission, the charter for compassion, entrepreneurship in peace and social change, etc.
I learned to have in mind:
a. Properties of the materials
b. Spatial Relationships
c. Shadows
d. Luminosity
e. Scale
f. Dimension
g. Equilibrium
h. Self reflection
i. Make simple and repeat!
I will see if Megan can collaborate with YAC in this important way of setting guidelines of interaction for YAC.
Digital Citizenship Workshop: Tammy Parks, video production teacher and IT person for Howe Public Schools
1. What is your digital dossier, your digital footprint?
Learn and teach proper use of technology because our students are wired
2. Blogs: Edublogs, Kids Blogs
3. My Big Campus
4. Gaggle: Student safe e-mail. PAID
5. Gaggle Tube: Filtered, differentiated filter. Safer YouTube
6. You Tube: Place "quiet time" to avoid unwanted connecting videos. I tried it with embbedding videos in the blog and I was not successful.
Her presentation is in Google Docs. I requested her to send me the link because from my notes this one does not work: . I had to attend the Gala Opening of City Arts, Japanese Ceramic Women Artist Exhibit, therefore, I left after this workshop.
Wednesday June 13:
Exhibit Hall: Many health care plans being sold to teachers. A lot of technology and grounds needs exhibitors.
LinguaFolio Assessment for World Languages: Desa Dawson
Documenting competencies and cultural activities. It will give a boost to s-l/entrepreneurship in social change. It is a program that they are at "talks" to obtain. It will help with Common Core.
World Languages Alignment with Common Core: Are in the Nationals Standards for learning languages-Communication Standards: Reading, Writting, Speaking, Listening and Language in the areas of Interpersonal, Interpretive and presentational. Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities support the Common Core to ensure students are college-career-and world ready. I need to follow-up with Desa and Hazel
Flipped Classroom Panel: Chari Stratton, Mariah Kennemer, Amy Amstrong, Helen Denman, Brad Sander from Putman City Schools. I asked them to consider coming to do a presentation for Casady YAC. Their presentation was why, how, and results of flipping classroms. I need to follow-up on this one!
Youth Voice: Joe Beasley and Janet Bullard: Meaningful intentional opportunities for participants. Choices: Supported in safe environment with right clarifying questions. Intentional, Scalfolded, Supported, Food, Tiny Baby Steps in Safe environment
In the frame of after school program, Joe and Janet demonstrated their ladder of empowerment of Youth Voice. I gave the book to Jean Warden and solicited her reactions. I feel that YAC and STUCO need this type of intentional empowerment.
Every one uses the step forward and backwards if....What they did skillfully is the sentences they use to find out our experience in Youth Voice in high school or college. It differed according to the generation you belong to.
Love their demonstration of choice and leadership. 3 corners. Corner one: Make a circle, clap, sing....teens following adult directions. Corner two: Adult gives a great variety of choices with a focus, choose one and become the voice on behalf of that object...great for youth leadership, choices based on preferences, entry point of leadership style and/or fear by way the group performed the task. Group three: Solve a World Problem by 2015...personal preferences, categorazing, choosing,
Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning: (TELL) Products and processes to enhance effectivemess. Need to follow-up on this and ask Desa to have a PD for Casady teachers. I did not attend this because one of my students was interested in Human Trafficking and I know little about it.
Human Trafficking: Mark Elam
#1 way sexual predators find children is through online social networking.
Thursday, June 14
Casady in the morning to check mail box and deliver book to Jen Warden. Parking at a premium. $10 until 4:30 when it turned into $40 due to Thunder game.
11 Days of Unity: I presented. Felt I did a good job starting a peace dialog and connecting Pinwheels for Peace to personal, home, school, community and the world, but was very brief in the explanation of the 11 days of unity, which is at brainstorming stage until the new principal and students add their input. I will be pilot testing it at Boys and Girls Club at the same time as at Casady.
Do You Believe? 2012 Teacher of the Year Kristin Shelby gave a motivational presentation of the things we already do to develop relationships with our students. I was heading to my car and I heard motivation and I entered the room late and had to love early because I did not want to have my car in the parking lot after 4:30.
Boys and Girls Club Visit to explore piloting 11 Days of Unity and Green Schools.
Friday, June 15
Green Schools Meeting: 9:30: Will be asking Boys and Girls Club to be a pilot after school program with Salman and I as facilitators of their investigations.
Leadership in the 21st Centurry & College Board: Ray McNulty, International Center for Leadership in Education
Build our youth for the future
Work should not be a routine. Be an agent of change
Me, Twitter, You Facebook: Christine Paradise and Regina Hartley
Google Works
Follow: Manuel Scott, Jary Blumengarten
Must be more active on Twitter and check pinterest
Indiana Reading Story: Joan Wolfe and Anna Shults
State Mandate: 90 minutes reading
Scalfolding process to mastery. Promotion by mastery
Reading minutes are sacred
There is a framework, goals, researched based and operated at all levels
In place:
Instructional techiques
Leadership team works all year: If students do not pass the test, there is remediation time during the summer. Assessment mandatory, remediation summer school not
What Administrators Should Know About Technology: Tammy and Scott Parks
TECKY Standards for students, teachers and administrators
If you are leading and no one is following, you are only taking a walk!
WHY APPLE-but they did not say that that is the choice for all
-no viruses
-open filter
-parental control
Students want to be producers not consumers
Connections are success
Every two weeks, how effective am I as a teacher. What can I do now that I could not do before
You must have a network and infrastructure
Separate data from videos
Apagea Mac
-Parent buy in
-Required parent/student/teacher training
-Digital Citizenship
Administrators and Social Media
Should use these
Today's meet
Back Channel
BYOD Bring your own devise
One on one learning
Poll every where
One Net
E-Text Books
Google Docs: Balance calendar
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