Sunday, March 28, 2010

Emerging Implementation of ISAS conference for 2010-2011 school year

1. Betances had a phrase to empower minority-diverse-children:
"Proud blended heritage children." As a consequence of my attendance to the conference, I hope to be an asset builder of that type of understanding of diversity.

2. YAC and I will see Wagner's video in the company of some teachers and create a YAC performance rubric for next year. I look forward to the outcome of our FEDEX time (One B-block and lunch.) The focus questions of the meeting will be:
a. How do we evolve "service learning" from 'learning about those being served' to 'servers learning about themselves'?
b. How can we connect our personal ideals, interests and passions to our school work?
c. How is our school work related to change, social justice, and peace?,
d. How can we become resources for social action experiences to peers, faculty, family, and community?

I will use the "free" ALPS learned web as my collaborative lesson planning tool.

3. This summer my personal and professional goal is attending the Six Billion Paths to Peace retreat because I want to have a focused exploration with a Casady intergenerational team of the following three questions:
a.How does change become peace?
b.How does service shape peace?
c.How do people change through peace?

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